Although your vehicle might travel much less this year than normally, it is still important to do a yearly service if you do not reach the service interval km's. This is very important as the oil degrades even if the car is not used.
We recommend phoning your broker to negotiate a deal for better rates as the risk of a park vehicle is much lower as a vehicle in use, you might even consider cancelling insurance on paid off vehicles during this time.
It is not a good idea to start the car and let it idle for a few minutes. You need about 20 minutes of fast idling just to recharge the start-up battery usage.
We recommend at least 30 min of running at, at least 2000rpm to save the battery. Ideally, this should be done every 14 days. If possible, minimise short drives as much as you can as they do not allow the battery to fully recharge.
Do not disconnect the battery as alarms will not be operational and it poses a risk of damage to electronics and key coding. Connect a smart charger to the vehicle and leave on for at least 24 hours.
DO NOT use any other chargers on modern vehicles as the can and will damage the electronics.
Please do not jump start in the normal way. There is a special procedure to jumpstart modern vehicles without damage to the engine computer.
Call us for step by step assistance.
The tyres might lose some pressure when a vehicle is standing for long periods of time. It is a good idea to over inflate the tyres by about 20% to prevent damage.