Your car is a machine.
Certain parts of your car need to be replaced on a regular basis to ensure its proper functioning.
Many of us take our cars for granted and don't realise how sophisticated the machine is that we are driving. Although some things could be done at home, most of these jobs are specialised and require a detailed level of knowledge in order to do it right.
Some of these include:
Your car has lots of fluids - petrol, water, coolant; and gases - air, petrol/fuel mix, exhaust fumes.
Each of these systems has filters which make sure they don't get contaminated with dust and dirt. After a while, your filters clog up and need to be replaced. If not, your car can be sluggish, under-perform and waste fuel.
Brake Pads
Brake pads wear down over time 
at different rates depending on individual driving styles and environments. As it is one of the most important safety features on your vehicle, it needs to be checked on a regular basis to make sure they are at a safe level.
Signs that your brake pads need to be replaced include noises coming from your brakes and/or a drop in your brake fluid level (check your owner's manual to see where it is located)
The oil in your car is sprayed on the pistons to keep them lubricated. This then drips down from the walls of the cylinders into your sump where it is used again and again. Over time, dirt find its way in and the oil gradually just begins to deteriorate. Your vehicle needs an oil change every 15,000 to 20,000 km's.
Spark Plugs
Your spark plugs provide the spark which allows the combustion in your engine to happen. These provide about 2,000 explosions a minute which is pretty intense and after a while they begin to fail and not work as efficiently.

For more information about our services, contact us today.




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